Monthly Archives: July 2015

Best and worst tanks by tier and type – best tier III tank destroyer

There are five tier III tank destroyers in WOT, as of patch 9.9:

  • SU-76
  • Marder II
  • T82
  • Renault UE 57
  • Valentine AT

These are not very different tanks, but they to vary, of course. Picking the best might be a bit difficult, since they are all ok, maybe except the Valentine. Both the T82 and the Marder have a lot of fans, but I actually mean the Renault UE 57 is the best. The armor on these things is not a topic to discuss, since they will meet tier V tanks from time to time. The T82 can mount a derp gun, but my verdict is based on its 57 mm gun. With that gun it is quite similar to the UE 57, but the UE has a better camo rating, and with these vehicles you need to hide.


  • Decent gun
  • Good camo rating
  • High rate of fire, and high DPM.


  • No armor
  • Very bad hull traverse
  • Narrow gun arc

You have to use stealth with this tank. Stay hidden, and shoot at what your allies spot. I recommend you get clutch breaking on the driver, sixth sense on the commander, snap shot on your gunner and camouflage on the rest of your crew. You should also choose camouflage as the second skill on all of your crew.

My best game with the UE got me 8 kills. This is how 14 kills look like. Note the camo rating!

See all best/worst tanks here.

Well then, what about arty?

I play arty only to do the missions in World of tanks, and I am not a very good arty player. But Bobo Grimmer, who has a YouTube channel dedicated to him playing arty, is. I asked him if he could do a video explaining a bit about arty for newbies. I’m not sure if this is his reply, but it is quite instructional:

A short introduction to some key phrases used in World of tanks

You may have discovered yourself, but there are some phrases in World of tanks that might seem a bit mysterious to a newcomer. I will explain a few of them here.

DPM: Damage per minute. This is a value describing how much damage you will do per minute, if you can fire at an opponent an both hit him AND penetrate his armor. It is a function of the number of shots you can fire per minute and how much damage each shot will do. (See “alpha damage” below.) The higher the number, the more dangerous your gun is to the enemy. However, DPM will often be a theoretical value, as you only rarely are able to shoot at an enemy before he moves, discover you and fire back, or some other enemy discover you and shoot at you. Because effective DPM requires you to penetrate the enemy, the penetration of your gun is very important, of course. Any value higher than 2.000 is good from tier III to tier VIII. At tier IX mediums the value should be 2.200 and above. At tier X medium: Any number higher than 2.400 is good.

Alpha damage: The amount of damage each of your shots will do to your enemy. This value is also depending on both hitting your enemy and penetrating his armor. At lower tiers the alpha damage is a lot less than on higher tiers, of course. Alpha damage is not a fixed amount, it varies somewhat from shot to shot, due to RNG (see below).

RNG: Random numbers generator. This is an effect incorporated in World of tanks to make it less “machine like”, I guess. It refers primarily to two aspects: Alpha damage and accuracy. On most (all?) guns in the game, the alpha damage varies from x to y hit points. All your shots that both hit and penetrate your enemy will do damage between x and y, and the “normal” damage will be the average between x and y. Some people claim that a specific gun on a specific tank is always closer to x or y, but I haven’t found any information supporting such a claim. (It is supposed to be random.) RNG also affects accuracy. When fully aimed, each shot should hit within the reticle (the circle you see when you aim). RNG means that the deviation from the center of your reticle will vary randomly.

Nerf: Nerf is a term used when Wargaming changes a tank in the game, due to statistical analysis from a large number of battles. “Nerfing” means they change the tank so it performs slightly worse on some key parameters, because it is considered an “overpowered” (“OP”) tank. Nerf is sometimes done to a single parameter, like alpha damage (see above) or to a number of parameters, like view range, speed or traverse speed, to reduce it’s impact on the battlefield.

Buff: This is the opposite of nerfing, by making a tank slightly better. I claimed a while back that the ARL V39 is the worst tier VI tank destroyer. Since then its gun has been buffed slightly. (It still is garbage, though.)

If there are any phrases you would like me to explain, tell me in the comment section below.

Best and worst tanks by tier and type – best tier IV light tank (scout) – UPDATED

There are ten tier IV light tanks  (by patch 9.19):

  • A-20
  • T-80
  • Pz. Kpfw. 38 (t) n.A.
  • Pz. Kpfw. II Luchs
  • M5 Stuart
  • Covenanter
  • Valentine
  • M5A1 Stuart
  • Type 5 Ke-Ho
  • AMX 40

All light tanks now get regular matchmaking.

Only those marked with * are scout tanks. The others get regular matchmaking: Tier IV scout tanks will meet enemies from tier IV to tier VII.

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