Tag Archives: resetting cap points

Two situations where capping is a good alternative

Rushing for the cap circle right from the beginning is a bad idea. Most cap circles are impossible to hide in, and the enemy only need to damage your tank once or to score a critical hide to reset your cap points. Kill your enemies instead of capping. You earn more xp and credits by doing so.

However: Here are two situations where going for the cap circle is a good alternative. Continue reading

The cap circle is not a magnet

Take a look at this replay. Pay attention to what happens to the tanks that try to cap. The same thing happens in both cap circles. There is indeed something to learn from this: Capping while the enemy is close rarely goes well.

To cap or not to cap?

One mistake I see a lot of newcomers to World of tanks are doing, is to rush for the enemy cap zone. Let’s get one thing clear: The individual player earn more XP by doing damage to the enemy than by capping. And the xp is what you want, not cap points.

If you focus on defending your own cap circle, and damage enemy tanks that try to cap, you will get much more xp than by capping yourself. In fact, you can get the same amount of xp in a few seconds by damaging a tank inside your own cap circle as you can do by capping. Let’s say an enemy tank has stayed inside your cap circle and reached 85 to 90 cap points. If you damage that tank and reset the cap, with as little as one single damaging shot, you will earn more xp than if you cap to a 100% yourself.

And if the tank inside your cap circle is one or even two tiers higher than your own tank, you will earn even more xp. Continue reading