Tag Archives: minimap

The circles on the mini map explained

On your mini map in the bottom right hand corner of your screen, you can see three different circles. I will explain the meaning of these here, and how you can and should use them. (If you by any chance cannot see the mini map, press the “m” key to turn it on.)
This is a screenshot of a mini map:

World of tanks mini map

World of tanks mini map

As you can see, there are three circles on it:

  1. The closest circle, which is green, shows your current view range. Any enemy tank inside that circle, will be visible to you and your team mates, unless the tank is behind a rock or building, or if it is inside a bush.
  2. The middle circle, the white one, shows the maximum view range in the game, which is 454 meters. If you have a good crew, and a tank with good view range, the green and white circle will have the same distance from your tank. (They show almost as one circle.)
  3. The third circle is the render range, which is the range where tanks spotted by one of your teammates will be visible also to you, even if the tank is outside your view range.

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Help! I’m in a match, and don’t know what to do!

From time to time, you enter a match with a really good player, either on your own team or on the enemy team. Because they know what to do with their tank, they do well, even if the drive a “shitty” tank. Learn from them, and do as they do.

Here are a few principles good players follow:

  • Know your tank. Be aware of what it is capable of and what it’s weaknesses are. Is your gun depression good? Go to a hilly terrain. Is the gun accurate? Snipe. Good armour? Fight close to the enemy. Good players know these things and use their tank accordingly.
  • Know the role of your tank. If you are driving a medium tank, use it’s speed, and play a supporting role. Don’t go head to head with a heavy tank, unless it is a lower tier heavy. (If you drive a tier 7 medium, you can engage tier 5 heavys. But be careful.)
  • Be aware of where your allies are, and support them. Basically, a tank left alone on a battlefield with two or three enemies close by, will die.
  • Before the battle starts, look at the enemy team. Where will they move? Who will go where? What enemies should you avoid, and what enemies should you engage?
  • When the battle starts: Check where your allies go, and decide who to follow and support. If one side of the map is abandoned by your team, try to secure this side defensively. Ask for help if necessary. (Press the F7 key.)
  • When you meet an enemy, and shoots at him/her and you cannot penetrate any of your first shots, withdraw. If 3 shots cannot penetrate and damage the enemy, nor will the next 3 shots. Find another target, don’t hope for miracles.

But rule number is always: Use the minimap. Check where your allies are and where the enemy is. Good players ALWAYS do that.