Tag Archives: Caernarvon

How to get free experience faster

When you have played a battle, 5% of the experience (xp) you earn will be added to your free experience pool. (This is actually a form of bonus xp, since you earn it in addition to the xp you earn on your crew and on your tank.) 5% is not a lot, but there is one way to increase this amount, if you really need some extra free xp to unlock a tank or a module on a tank, and if you are willing to pay real money.

Some tanks are really almost unplayable when they are stock. In my experience, the Caernarvon (British tier VIII heavy tank) is one such tank.

Here is how to do it: If you are grinding a specific tank and are stuck with inferior modules, you should play a number of battles in the tanks that you have decided to keep, and where you have grinded every module on it and also unlocked the next tank in the line, or use a premium vehicle if you have one. Find the “Accelerate crew training”  box and uncheck it.

Let’s say you have 10 tanks of any of these two categories, and you have a weekend to spare, you can play 10 battles on Saturday and 10 battles on Sunday, collecting the daily double both days on all your selected tanks. Since a battle with a medium good victory might give you between 1.500 and 2.000 xp per battle, you will easily get about 30.000 xp combined.

After the last battle, go in the upper right hand corner and choose to convert any xp “locked” to a tank to free xp. This will cost you gold, or real money. The conversion rate is currently 1 gold to convert 25 xp. So if you convert 25.000 xp from a tank to free xp, this will cost you 1.000 gold. And yes, this is actually a “pay to win” example. Alternatively, you can play about 400 battles with an average xp earning of about 1.250 xp per battle…